Monday, May 4, 2009

Andy and me

I was at grown up party on a veranda dancing with a 2 year old.  A little girl came on the veranda and noticed me dancing.  

I left for a while to tour the home, and when I returned the little girl homed in on know how it is with little kids sometimes?  They look at you then narrow their eyes a little and march bent at the waist just slightly little adorable sharks.   This one..had obviously mistaken me for another child.  Now...I'm 5'6" tall, and certainly do not look like a child..I'm not sure how this happened.

"What's your name?"
"Corvi.  What's yours?"
"Andy.  How old are you?"
"41, how old are you?"
"Well, that's a little difference in age" (I think I was trying to say...hey..kid...I'm a grown up!!!)
"Well, I'll be 4 de 1 soon."

I smiled...and laughed...and...she pulled out the big guns...a leaf!!!  "I'll tickle you!!!"  She said!

So I ran!!!! fasT Fast!!!  But I could not outrun the tickle monster.   Must have been the high heels.  We ran around that party for an hour...

That was fun.


Gaya said...

Read this sweet entry the other day ... wanted to comment ... and also ended up thinking about writing my blog again. Thanks for [hm ... what would be the right phrase here?] ... thanks Corvi ^^

Corvi, Corey, Crow, Maggie and Raven said...

Oh, Gaya..I am so glad. I look forward to reading it.