Monday, May 12, 2008

More on originality

Weird, strange, different, twisted, masked, lonely, are just right. Perfect. Loved.

I know I love you...each of you. And that I have picked you because I feel the same fears and aches. It is hard to believe that each of you, each perfect you, could love me as I love you. Yet, when I think on it, I know it is true. That you love the things in me that I see as ugly and alienating in me and beautiful and alluring in you.


Wol said...

Corvi! you have a blog!! I never knew.

We do love you, it's true, wierd as we all are :-) Because, not in spite of.

Wol said...

"the things in me that I see as ugly and alienating in me and beautiful and alluring in you"

Hmmm. Food for thought there, perhaps?

Corvi, Corey, Crow, Maggie and Raven said...

mmhmm. Exactly.